/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
 * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
 * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
 *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 *   contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
 *   with this work for additional information regarding copyright
 *   ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
 *   License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
 *   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
 *   the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .
#include <algorithm>
#include <math.h>
#include <string_view>
#include <o3tl/unit_conversion.hxx>
#include <sal/mathconf.h>
#include <sal/macros.h>
#include <sal/log.hxx>
#include <tools/solar.h>
#include <o3tl/string_view.hxx>
#include <unotools/fontdefs.hxx>
#include <filter/msfilter/msvbahelper.hxx>
#include <xestream.hxx>
#include <formula/errorcodes.hxx>
#include <globstr.hrc>
#include <scresid.hxx>
#include <xlstyle.hxx>
#include <xlname.hxx>
#include <xistream.hxx>
#include <xltools.hxx>
// GUID import/export
    : mpnData{}
        sal_uInt32 nData1, sal_uInt16 nData2, sal_uInt16 nData3,
        sal_uInt8 nData41, sal_uInt8 nData42, sal_uInt8 nData43, sal_uInt8 nData44,
        sal_uInt8 nData45, sal_uInt8 nData46, sal_uInt8 nData47, sal_uInt8 nData48 )
    // convert to little endian -> makes streaming easy
    UInt32ToSVBT32( nData1, mpnData );
    ShortToSVBT16( nData2, mpnData + 4 );
    ShortToSVBT16( nData3, mpnData + 6 );
    mpnData[  8 ] = nData41;
    mpnData[  9 ] = nData42;
    mpnData[ 10 ] = nData43;
    mpnData[ 11 ] = nData44;
    mpnData[ 12 ] = nData45;
    mpnData[ 13 ] = nData46;
    mpnData[ 14 ] = nData47;
    mpnData[ 15 ] = nData48;
bool operator==( const XclGuid& rCmp1, const XclGuid& rCmp2 )
    return ::std::equal( rCmp1.mpnData, std::end( rCmp1.mpnData ), rCmp2.mpnData );
XclImpStream& operator>>( XclImpStream& rStrm, XclGuid& rGuid )
    rStrm.Read( rGuid.mpnData, 16 );     // mpnData always in little endian
    return rStrm;
XclExpStream& operator<<( XclExpStream& rStrm, const XclGuid& rGuid )
    rStrm.Write( rGuid.mpnData, 16 );    // mpnData already in little endian
    return rStrm;
// Excel Tools
// GUID's
const XclGuid XclTools::maGuidStdLink(
    0x79EAC9D0, 0xBAF9, 0x11CE, 0x8C, 0x82, 0x00, 0xAA, 0x00, 0x4B, 0xA9, 0x0B );
const XclGuid XclTools::maGuidUrlMoniker(
    0x79EAC9E0, 0xBAF9, 0x11CE, 0x8C, 0x82, 0x00, 0xAA, 0x00, 0x4B, 0xA9, 0x0B );
const XclGuid XclTools::maGuidFileMoniker(
    0x00000303, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0xC0, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x46 );
// numeric conversion
double XclTools::GetDoubleFromRK( sal_Int32 nRKValue )
    sal_math_Double smD{};
    if( ::get_flag( nRKValue, EXC_RK_INTFLAG ) )
        sal_Int32 nTemp = nRKValue >> 2;
        ::set_flag< sal_Int32 >( nTemp, 0xE0000000, nRKValue < 0 );
        smD.value = nTemp;
        smD.w32_parts.msw = nRKValue & EXC_RK_VALUEMASK;
    if( ::get_flag( nRKValue, EXC_RK_100FLAG ) )
        smD.value /= 100.0;
    return smD.value;
bool XclTools::GetRKFromDouble( sal_Int32& rnRKValue, double fValue )
    double fFrac, fInt;
    // integer
    fFrac = modf( fValue, &fInt );
    if( (fFrac == 0.0) && (fInt >= -536870912.0) && (fInt <= 536870911.0) ) // 2^29
            = static_cast<sal_Int32>(
                static_cast<sal_uInt32>(static_cast<sal_Int32>(fInt)) << 2)
            | EXC_RK_INT;
        return true;
    // integer/100
    fFrac = modf( fValue * 100.0, &fInt );
    if( (fFrac == 0.0) && (fInt >= -536870912.0) && (fInt <= 536870911.0) )
            = static_cast<sal_Int32>(
                static_cast<sal_uInt32>(static_cast<sal_Int32>(fInt)) << 2)
            | EXC_RK_INT100;
        return true;
    // double
    return false;
Degree100 XclTools::GetScRotation( sal_uInt16 nXclRot, Degree100 nRotForStacked )
    if( nXclRot == EXC_ROT_STACKED )
        return nRotForStacked;
    OSL_ENSURE( nXclRot <= 180, "XclTools::GetScRotation - illegal rotation angle" );
    return Degree100(static_cast< sal_Int32 >( (nXclRot <= 180) ? (100 * ((nXclRot > 90) ? (450 - nXclRot) : nXclRot)) : 0 ));
sal_uInt8 XclTools::GetXclRotation( Degree100 nScRot )
    sal_Int32 nXclRot = nScRot.get() / 100;
    if( (0 <= nXclRot) && (nXclRot <= 90) )
        return static_cast< sal_uInt8 >( nXclRot );
    if( nXclRot < 180 )
        return static_cast< sal_uInt8 >( 270 - nXclRot );
    if( nXclRot < 270 )
        return static_cast< sal_uInt8 >( nXclRot - 180 );
    if( nXclRot < 360 )
        return static_cast< sal_uInt8 >( 450 - nXclRot );
    return 0;
sal_uInt8 XclTools::GetXclRotFromOrient( sal_uInt8 nXclOrient )
    switch( nXclOrient )
        case EXC_ORIENT_NONE:       return EXC_ROT_NONE;
        case EXC_ORIENT_STACKED:    return EXC_ROT_STACKED;
        case EXC_ORIENT_90CCW:      return EXC_ROT_90CCW;
        case EXC_ORIENT_90CW:       return EXC_ROT_90CW;
        default:    OSL_FAIL( "XclTools::GetXclRotFromOrient - unknown text orientation" );
    return EXC_ROT_NONE;
sal_uInt8 XclTools::GetXclOrientFromRot( sal_uInt16 nXclRot )
    if( nXclRot == EXC_ROT_STACKED )
        return EXC_ORIENT_STACKED;
    OSL_ENSURE( nXclRot <= 180, "XclTools::GetXclOrientFromRot - unknown text rotation" );
    if( (45 < nXclRot) && (nXclRot <= 90) )
        return EXC_ORIENT_90CCW;
    if( (135 < nXclRot) && (nXclRot <= 180) )
        return EXC_ORIENT_90CW;
    return EXC_ORIENT_NONE;
sal_uInt8 XclTools::GetXclErrorCode( FormulaError nScError )
    switch( nScError )
        case FormulaError::IllegalArgument:        return EXC_ERR_VALUE;
        case FormulaError::IllegalFPOperation:     return EXC_ERR_NUM;     // maybe DIV/0 or NUM...
        case FormulaError::DivisionByZero:         return EXC_ERR_DIV0;
        case FormulaError::IllegalParameter:       return EXC_ERR_VALUE;
        case FormulaError::PairExpected:           return EXC_ERR_VALUE;
        case FormulaError::OperatorExpected:       return EXC_ERR_VALUE;
        case FormulaError::VariableExpected:       return EXC_ERR_VALUE;
        case FormulaError::ParameterExpected:      return EXC_ERR_VALUE;
        case FormulaError::NoValue:                return EXC_ERR_VALUE;
        case FormulaError::CircularReference:      return EXC_ERR_VALUE;
        case FormulaError::NoCode:                 return EXC_ERR_NULL;
        case FormulaError::NoRef:                  return EXC_ERR_REF;
        case FormulaError::NoName:                 return EXC_ERR_NAME;
        case FormulaError::NoAddin:                return EXC_ERR_NAME;
        case FormulaError::NoMacro:                return EXC_ERR_NAME;
        case FormulaError::NotAvailable:           return EXC_ERR_NA;
        default: break;
    return EXC_ERR_NA;
FormulaError XclTools::GetScErrorCode( sal_uInt8 nXclError )
    switch( nXclError )
        case EXC_ERR_NULL:  return FormulaError::NoCode;
        case EXC_ERR_DIV0:  return FormulaError::DivisionByZero;
        case EXC_ERR_VALUE: return FormulaError::NoValue;
        case EXC_ERR_REF:   return FormulaError::NoRef;
        case EXC_ERR_NAME:  return FormulaError::NoName;
        case EXC_ERR_NUM:   return FormulaError::IllegalFPOperation;
        case EXC_ERR_NA:    return FormulaError::NotAvailable;
        default:            OSL_FAIL( "XclTools::GetScErrorCode - unknown error code" );
    return FormulaError::NotAvailable;
double XclTools::ErrorToDouble( sal_uInt8 nXclError )
    return CreateDoubleError(GetScErrorCode( nXclError ));
XclBoolError XclTools::ErrorToEnum( double& rfDblValue, bool bErrOrBool, sal_uInt8 nValue )
    XclBoolError eType;
    if( bErrOrBool )
        // error value
        switch( nValue )
            case EXC_ERR_NULL:  eType = xlErrNull;      break;
            case EXC_ERR_DIV0:  eType = xlErrDiv0;      break;
            case EXC_ERR_VALUE: eType = xlErrValue;     break;
            case EXC_ERR_REF:   eType = xlErrRef;       break;
            case EXC_ERR_NAME:  eType = xlErrName;      break;
            case EXC_ERR_NUM:   eType = xlErrNum;       break;
            case EXC_ERR_NA:    eType = xlErrNA;        break;
            default:            eType = xlErrUnknown;
        rfDblValue = 0.0;
        // Boolean value
        eType = nValue ? xlErrTrue : xlErrFalse;
        rfDblValue = nValue ? 1.0 : 0.0;
    return eType;
template <typename N> static N to(double f) { return limit_cast<N>(f + 0.5); }
sal_uInt16 XclTools::GetTwipsFromInch( double fInches )
    return to<sal_uInt16>(o3tl::convert(fInches, o3tl::Length::in, o3tl::Length::twip));
sal_uInt16 XclTools::GetTwipsFromHmm( sal_Int32 nHmm )
    return limit_cast<sal_uInt16>(o3tl::convert(nHmm, o3tl::Length::mm100, o3tl::Length::twip));
double XclTools::GetInchFromTwips( sal_Int32 nTwips )
    return o3tl::convert<double>(nTwips, o3tl::Length::twip, o3tl::Length::in);
double XclTools::GetInchFromHmm( sal_Int32 nHmm )
    return o3tl::convert<double>(nHmm, o3tl::Length::mm100, o3tl::Length::in);
sal_Int32 XclTools::GetHmmFromInch( double fInches )
    return to<sal_Int32>(o3tl::convert(fInches, o3tl::Length::in, o3tl::Length::mm100));
sal_Int32 XclTools::GetHmmFromTwips( sal_Int32 nTwips )
    return limit_cast<sal_Int32>(o3tl::convert(nTwips, o3tl::Length::twip, o3tl::Length::mm100));
sal_uInt16 XclTools::GetScColumnWidth( sal_uInt16 nXclWidth, tools::Long nScCharWidth )
    double fScWidth = static_cast< double >( nXclWidth ) / 256.0 * nScCharWidth - 0.5;
    return limit_cast< sal_uInt16 >( fScWidth );
sal_uInt16 XclTools::GetXclColumnWidth( sal_uInt16 nScWidth, tools::Long nScCharWidth )
    double fXclWidth = ( static_cast< double >( nScWidth ) + 0.5 ) * 256.0 / nScCharWidth;
    return limit_cast< sal_uInt16 >( fXclWidth );
// takes font height in twips (1/20 pt = 1/1440 in)
// returns correction value in 1/256th of *digit width* of default font
double XclTools::GetXclDefColWidthCorrection( tools::Long nXclDefFontHeight )
    // Excel uses *max digit width of default font* (W) as cell width unit. Also it has 5-pixel
    // "correction" to cell widths (ECMA-376-1:2016 each cell has 1-pixel padding, then
    // 3 pixels for the border (which may be 1-pixel - hairline - then it will have 2 additional
    // 1-pixel spacings from each side; or e.g. 2 hairlines with 1-pixel spacing in the middle; or
    // thick 3-pixel). Obviously, correction size entirely depends on pixel size (and it is actually
    // different in Excel on monitors with different resolution). Thus actual (displayed/printed)
    // cell widths consist of X*W+5px; stored in file is the X (or X*256 if 1/256th of digit width
    // units are used) value.
    // This formula apparently converts this 5-pixel correction to 1/256th of digit width units.
    // Looks like it is created from
    //    5 * 256 * 1440 * 2.1333 / (96 * max(N-15, 60)) + 50.0
    // where 5 - pixel correction; 256 - used to produce 1/256th of digit width; 1440 - used to
    // convert font height N (in twips) to inches; 2.1333 - an (empirical?) quotient to convert
    // font *height* into digit *width*; 96 - "standard" monitor resolution (DPI).
    // Additionally the formula uses 15 (of unknown origin), 60 (minimal font height 3 pt), and
    // 50.0 (also of unknown origin).
    // TODO: convert this to take font digit width directly (and possibly DPI?), to avoid guessing
    // the digit width and pixel size. Or DPI might stay 96, to not follow Excel dependency on DPI
    // in addition to used font, and have absolute size of the correction fixed 5/96 in.
    return 40960.0 / ::std::max( nXclDefFontHeight - 15, tools::Long(60) ) + 50.0;
// formatting
Color XclTools::GetPatternColor( const Color& rPattColor, const Color& rBackColor, sal_uInt16 nXclPattern )
    // 0x00 == 0% transparence (full rPattColor)
    // 0x80 == 100% transparence (full rBackColor)
    static const sal_uInt8 pnRatioTable[] =
        0x80, 0x00, 0x40, 0x20, 0x60, 0x40, 0x40, 0x40,     // 00 - 07
        0x40, 0x40, 0x20, 0x60, 0x60, 0x60, 0x60, 0x48,     // 08 - 15
        0x50, 0x70, 0x78                                    // 16 - 18
    return (nXclPattern < std::size( pnRatioTable )) ?
        ScfTools::GetMixedColor( rPattColor, rBackColor, pnRatioTable[ nXclPattern ] ) : rPattColor;
// text encoding
namespace {
const struct XclCodePageEntry
    sal_uInt16                  mnCodePage;
    rtl_TextEncoding            meTextEnc;
pCodePageTable[] =
    {     437,  RTL_TEXTENCODING_IBM_437        },  // OEM US
//  {     720,  RTL_TEXTENCODING_IBM_720        },  // OEM Arabic
    {     737,  RTL_TEXTENCODING_IBM_737        },  // OEM Greek
    {     775,  RTL_TEXTENCODING_IBM_775        },  // OEM Baltic
    {     850,  RTL_TEXTENCODING_IBM_850        },  // OEM Latin I
    {     852,  RTL_TEXTENCODING_IBM_852        },  // OEM Latin II (Central European)
    {     855,  RTL_TEXTENCODING_IBM_855        },  // OEM Cyrillic
    {     857,  RTL_TEXTENCODING_IBM_857        },  // OEM Turkish
//  {     858,  RTL_TEXTENCODING_IBM_858        },  // OEM Multilingual Latin I with Euro
    {     860,  RTL_TEXTENCODING_IBM_860        },  // OEM Portuguese
    {     861,  RTL_TEXTENCODING_IBM_861        },  // OEM Icelandic
    {     862,  RTL_TEXTENCODING_IBM_862        },  // OEM Hebrew
    {     863,  RTL_TEXTENCODING_IBM_863        },  // OEM Canadian (French)
    {     864,  RTL_TEXTENCODING_IBM_864        },  // OEM Arabic
    {     865,  RTL_TEXTENCODING_IBM_865        },  // OEM Nordic
    {     866,  RTL_TEXTENCODING_IBM_866        },  // OEM Cyrillic (Russian)
    {     869,  RTL_TEXTENCODING_IBM_869        },  // OEM Greek (Modern)
    {     874,  RTL_TEXTENCODING_MS_874         },  // MS Windows Thai
    {     932,  RTL_TEXTENCODING_MS_932         },  // MS Windows Japanese Shift-JIS
    {     936,  RTL_TEXTENCODING_MS_936         },  // MS Windows Chinese Simplified GBK
    {     949,  RTL_TEXTENCODING_MS_949         },  // MS Windows Korean (Wansung)
    {     950,  RTL_TEXTENCODING_MS_950         },  // MS Windows Chinese Traditional BIG5
    {    1200,  RTL_TEXTENCODING_DONTKNOW       },  // Unicode (BIFF8) - return *_DONTKNOW to preserve old code page
    {    1250,  RTL_TEXTENCODING_MS_1250        },  // MS Windows Latin II (Central European)
    {    1251,  RTL_TEXTENCODING_MS_1251        },  // MS Windows Cyrillic
    {    1252,  RTL_TEXTENCODING_MS_1252        },  // MS Windows Latin I (BIFF4-BIFF8)
    {    1253,  RTL_TEXTENCODING_MS_1253        },  // MS Windows Greek
    {    1254,  RTL_TEXTENCODING_MS_1254        },  // MS Windows Turkish
    {    1255,  RTL_TEXTENCODING_MS_1255        },  // MS Windows Hebrew
    {    1256,  RTL_TEXTENCODING_MS_1256        },  // MS Windows Arabic
    {    1257,  RTL_TEXTENCODING_MS_1257        },  // MS Windows Baltic
    {    1258,  RTL_TEXTENCODING_MS_1258        },  // MS Windows Vietnamese
    {    1361,  RTL_TEXTENCODING_MS_1361        },  // MS Windows Korean (Johab)
    {   10000,  RTL_TEXTENCODING_APPLE_ROMAN    },  // Apple Roman
    {   32768,  RTL_TEXTENCODING_APPLE_ROMAN    },  // Apple Roman
    {   32769,  RTL_TEXTENCODING_MS_1252        }   // MS Windows Latin I (BIFF2-BIFF3)
const XclCodePageEntry* const pCodePageTableEnd = std::end(pCodePageTable);
struct XclCodePageEntry_CPPred
    explicit     XclCodePageEntry_CPPred( sal_uInt16 nCodePage ) : mnCodePage( nCodePage ) {}
    bool         operator()( const XclCodePageEntry& rEntry ) const { return rEntry.mnCodePage == mnCodePage; }
    sal_uInt16          mnCodePage;
struct XclCodePageEntry_TEPred
    explicit     XclCodePageEntry_TEPred( rtl_TextEncoding eTextEnc ) : meTextEnc( eTextEnc ) {}
    bool         operator()( const XclCodePageEntry& rEntry ) const { return rEntry.meTextEnc == meTextEnc; }
    rtl_TextEncoding    meTextEnc;
} // namespace
rtl_TextEncoding XclTools::GetTextEncoding( sal_uInt16 nCodePage )
    const XclCodePageEntry* pEntry = ::std::find_if( pCodePageTable, pCodePageTableEnd, XclCodePageEntry_CPPred( nCodePage ) );
    if( pEntry == pCodePageTableEnd )
        SAL_WARN("sc",  "XclTools::GetTextEncoding - unknown code page: 0x" << std::hex << nCodePage );
    return pEntry->meTextEnc;
sal_uInt16 XclTools::GetXclCodePage( rtl_TextEncoding eTextEnc )
        return 1200;    // for BIFF8
    const XclCodePageEntry* pEntry = ::std::find_if( pCodePageTable, pCodePageTableEnd, XclCodePageEntry_TEPred( eTextEnc ) );
    if( pEntry == pCodePageTableEnd )
        SAL_WARN("sc",  "XclTools::GetXclCodePage - unsupported text encoding: 0x" << std::hex << eTextEnc );
        return 1252;
    return pEntry->mnCodePage;
OUString XclTools::GetXclFontName( const OUString& rFontName )
    // substitute with MS fonts
    OUString aNewName = GetSubsFontName(rFontName, SubsFontFlags::ONLYONE | SubsFontFlags::MS);
    return aNewName.isEmpty() ? rFontName : aNewName;
// built-in defined names
const char maDefNamePrefix[]    = "Excel_BuiltIn_"; /// Prefix for built-in defined names.
const char maDefNamePrefixXml[] = "_xlnm.";         /// Prefix for built-in defined names for OOX
const char* const ppcDefNames[] =
OUString XclTools::GetXclBuiltInDefName( sal_Unicode cBuiltIn )
    OSL_ENSURE( std::size( ppcDefNames ) == EXC_BUILTIN_UNKNOWN,
        "XclTools::GetXclBuiltInDefName - built-in defined name list modified" );
    if( cBuiltIn < std::size( ppcDefNames ) )
        return OUString::createFromAscii(ppcDefNames[cBuiltIn]);
        return OUString::number(cBuiltIn);
OUString XclTools::GetBuiltInDefName( sal_Unicode cBuiltIn )
    return maDefNamePrefix + GetXclBuiltInDefName(cBuiltIn);
OUString XclTools::GetBuiltInDefNameXml( sal_Unicode cBuiltIn )
    return maDefNamePrefixXml + GetXclBuiltInDefName(cBuiltIn);
sal_Unicode XclTools::GetBuiltInDefNameIndex( const OUString& rDefName )
    sal_Int32 nPrefixLen = 0;
    if( rDefName.startsWithIgnoreAsciiCase( maDefNamePrefix ) )
        nPrefixLen = strlen(maDefNamePrefix);
    else if( rDefName.startsWithIgnoreAsciiCase( maDefNamePrefixXml ) )
        nPrefixLen = strlen(maDefNamePrefixXml);
    if( nPrefixLen > 0 )
        for( sal_Unicode cBuiltIn = 0; cBuiltIn < EXC_BUILTIN_UNKNOWN; ++cBuiltIn )
            OUString aBuiltInName(GetXclBuiltInDefName(cBuiltIn));
            sal_Int32 nBuiltInLen = aBuiltInName.getLength();
            if( rDefName.matchIgnoreAsciiCase( aBuiltInName, nPrefixLen ) )
                // name can be followed by underline or space character
                sal_Int32 nNextCharPos = nPrefixLen + nBuiltInLen;
                sal_Unicode cNextChar = (rDefName.getLength() > nNextCharPos) ? rDefName[nNextCharPos] : '\0';
                if( (cNextChar == '\0') || (cNextChar == ' ') || (cNextChar == '_') )
                    return cBuiltIn;
// built-in style names
const char maStyleNamePrefix1[] = "Excel_BuiltIn_";  /// Prefix for built-in cell style names.
const char maStyleNamePrefix2[] = "Excel Built-in "; /// Prefix for built-in cell style names from OOX filter.
const char* const ppcStyleNames[] =
    "",                 // "Normal" not used directly, but localized "Default"
    "RowLevel_",        // outline level will be appended
    "ColumnLevel_",     // outline level will be appended
OUString XclTools::GetBuiltInStyleName( sal_uInt8 nStyleId, std::u16string_view rName, sal_uInt8 nLevel )
    OUString aStyleName;
    if( nStyleId == EXC_STYLE_NORMAL )  // "Normal" becomes "Default" style
        aStyleName = ScResId( STR_STYLENAME_STANDARD );
        OUStringBuffer aBuf(maStyleNamePrefix1);
        if( nStyleId < std::size( ppcStyleNames ) )
        else if (!rName.empty())
        if( (nStyleId == EXC_STYLE_ROWLEVEL) || (nStyleId == EXC_STYLE_COLLEVEL) )
        aStyleName = aBuf.makeStringAndClear();
    return aStyleName;
bool XclTools::IsBuiltInStyleName( const OUString& rStyleName, sal_uInt8* pnStyleId, sal_Int32* pnNextChar )
    // "Default" becomes "Normal"
    if (rStyleName == ScResId(STR_STYLENAME_STANDARD))
        if( pnStyleId ) *pnStyleId = EXC_STYLE_NORMAL;
        if( pnNextChar ) *pnNextChar = rStyleName.getLength();
        return true;
    // try the other built-in styles
    sal_uInt8 nFoundId = 0;
    sal_Int32 nNextChar = 0;
    sal_Int32 nPrefixLen = 0;
    if( rStyleName.startsWithIgnoreAsciiCase( maStyleNamePrefix1 ) )
        nPrefixLen = strlen(maStyleNamePrefix1);
    else if( rStyleName.startsWithIgnoreAsciiCase( maStyleNamePrefix2 ) )
        nPrefixLen = strlen(maStyleNamePrefix2);
    if( nPrefixLen > 0 )
        for( sal_uInt8 nId = 0; nId < std::size( ppcStyleNames ); ++nId )
            if( nId != EXC_STYLE_NORMAL )
                OUString aShortName = OUString::createFromAscii(ppcStyleNames[nId]);
                if( rStyleName.matchIgnoreAsciiCase( aShortName, nPrefixLen ) &&
                    (nNextChar < nPrefixLen + aShortName.getLength()))
                    nFoundId = nId;
                    nNextChar = nPrefixLen + aShortName.getLength();
    if( nNextChar > 0 )
        if( pnStyleId ) *pnStyleId = nFoundId;
        if( pnNextChar ) *pnNextChar = nNextChar;
        return true;
    if( pnStyleId ) *pnStyleId = EXC_STYLE_USERDEF;
    if( pnNextChar ) *pnNextChar = 0;
    return nPrefixLen > 0;  // also return true for unknown built-in styles
bool XclTools::GetBuiltInStyleId( sal_uInt8& rnStyleId, sal_uInt8& rnLevel, const OUString& rStyleName )
    sal_uInt8 nStyleId;
    sal_Int32 nNextChar;
    if( IsBuiltInStyleName( rStyleName, &nStyleId, &nNextChar ) && (nStyleId != EXC_STYLE_USERDEF) )
        if( (nStyleId == EXC_STYLE_ROWLEVEL) || (nStyleId == EXC_STYLE_COLLEVEL) )
            std::u16string_view aLevel = rStyleName.subView(nNextChar);
            sal_Int32 nLevel = o3tl::toInt32(aLevel);
            if (std::u16string_view(OUString::number(nLevel)) == aLevel
                && nLevel > 0 && nLevel <= EXC_STYLE_LEVELCOUNT)
                rnStyleId = nStyleId;
                rnLevel = static_cast< sal_uInt8 >( nLevel - 1 );
                return true;
        else if( rStyleName.getLength() == nNextChar )
            rnStyleId = nStyleId;
            rnLevel = EXC_STYLE_NOLEVEL;
            return true;
    rnStyleId = EXC_STYLE_USERDEF;
    rnLevel = EXC_STYLE_NOLEVEL;
    return false;
// conditional formatting style names
const char maCFStyleNamePrefix1[] = "Excel_CondFormat_"; /// Prefix for cond. formatting style names.
const char maCFStyleNamePrefix2[] = "ConditionalStyle_"; /// Prefix for cond. formatting style names from OOX filter.
const char maCFStyleNamePrefix3[] = "ExtConditionalStyle_";
OUString XclTools::GetCondFormatStyleName( SCTAB nScTab, sal_Int32 nFormat, sal_uInt16 nCondition )
    return maCFStyleNamePrefix1 +
        OUString::number(static_cast<sal_Int32>(nScTab+1)) +
        "_" +
        OUString::number(static_cast<sal_Int32>(nFormat+1)) +
        "_" +
bool XclTools::IsCondFormatStyleName( const OUString& rStyleName )
    if( rStyleName.startsWithIgnoreAsciiCase( maCFStyleNamePrefix1 ) )
        return true;
    if( rStyleName.startsWithIgnoreAsciiCase( maCFStyleNamePrefix2 ) )
        return true;
    if (rStyleName.startsWithIgnoreAsciiCase(maCFStyleNamePrefix3))
        return true;
    return false;
// stream handling
void XclTools::SkipSubStream( XclImpStream& rStrm )
    bool bLoop = true;
    while( bLoop && rStrm.StartNextRecord() )
        sal_uInt16 nRecId = rStrm.GetRecId();
        bLoop = nRecId != EXC_ID_EOF;
        if( (nRecId == EXC_ID2_BOF) || (nRecId == EXC_ID3_BOF) || (nRecId == EXC_ID4_BOF) || (nRecId == EXC_ID5_BOF) )
            SkipSubStream( rStrm );
// Basic macro names
const char maSbMacroPrefix[] = "vnd.sun.star.script:";              /// Prefix for StarBasic macros.
const char maSbMacroSuffix[] = "?language=Basic&location=document"; /// Suffix for StarBasic macros.
OUString XclTools::GetSbMacroUrl( const OUString& rMacroName, SfxObjectShell* pDocShell )
    OSL_ENSURE( !rMacroName.isEmpty(), "XclTools::GetSbMacroUrl - macro name is empty" );
    ::ooo::vba::MacroResolvedInfo aMacroInfo = ::ooo::vba::resolveVBAMacro( pDocShell, rMacroName );
    if( aMacroInfo.mbFound )
        return ::ooo::vba::makeMacroURL( aMacroInfo.msResolvedMacro );
    return OUString();
OUString XclTools::GetXclMacroName( const OUString& rSbMacroUrl )
    sal_Int32 nSbMacroUrlLen = rSbMacroUrl.getLength();
    sal_Int32 nMacroNameLen = nSbMacroUrlLen - strlen(maSbMacroPrefix) - strlen(maSbMacroSuffix);
    if( (nMacroNameLen > 0) && rSbMacroUrl.startsWithIgnoreAsciiCase( maSbMacroPrefix ) &&
            rSbMacroUrl.endsWithIgnoreAsciiCase( maSbMacroSuffix ) )
        sal_Int32 nPrjDot = rSbMacroUrl.indexOf( '.', strlen(maSbMacroPrefix) ) + 1;
        return rSbMacroUrl.copy( nPrjDot, nSbMacroUrlLen - nPrjDot - strlen(maSbMacroSuffix) );
    return OUString();
// read/write colors
XclImpStream& operator>>( XclImpStream& rStrm, Color& rColor )
    sal_uInt8 nR = rStrm.ReaduInt8();
    sal_uInt8 nG = rStrm.ReaduInt8();
    sal_uInt8 nB = rStrm.ReaduInt8();
    rStrm.Ignore( 1 );//nD
    rColor = Color( nR, nG, nB );
    return rStrm;
XclExpStream& operator<<( XclExpStream& rStrm, const Color& rColor )
    return rStrm << rColor.GetRed() << rColor.GetGreen() << rColor.GetBlue() << sal_uInt8( 0 );
/* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */

V530 The return value of function 'appendAscii' is required to be utilized.

V530 The return value of function 'append' is required to be utilized.

V530 The return value of function 'append' is required to be utilized.

V530 The return value of function 'append' is required to be utilized.

V547 Expression is always true.