/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
 * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
 * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
 *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 *   contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
 *   with this work for additional information regarding copyright
 *   ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
 *   License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
 *   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
 *   the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .
#include <comphelper/storagehelper.hxx>
#include <comphelper/processfactory.hxx>
#include <comphelper/propertysequence.hxx>
#include <comphelper/propertyvalue.hxx>
#include <comphelper/servicehelper.hxx>
#include <com/sun/star/embed/EmbeddedObjectCreator.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/embed/OOoEmbeddedObjectFactory.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/embed/XEmbeddedObject.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/embed/Aspects.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/frame/XModel.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/task/XInteractionHandler.hpp>
#include <o3tl/any.hxx>
#include <osl/diagnose.h>
#include <rtl/ustrbuf.hxx>
#include <sal/log.hxx>
#include <comphelper/classids.hxx>
#include <com/sun/star/lang/XUnoTunnel.hpp>
#include <xmloff/prstylei.hxx>
#include <xmloff/maptype.hxx>
#include <xmloff/xmlprmap.hxx>
#include <xmloff/txtprmap.hxx>
#include <xmloff/i18nmap.hxx>
#include <xmloff/xmlimppr.hxx>
#include <TextCursorHelper.hxx>
#include <unoframe.hxx>
#include <doc.hxx>
#include <IDocumentDrawModelAccess.hxx>
#include <IDocumentContentOperations.hxx>
#include <fmtfsize.hxx>
#include <fmtanchr.hxx>
#include <fmtcntnt.hxx>
#include "xmlimp.hxx"
#include "xmltbli.hxx"
#include "xmltexti.hxx"
#include "XMLRedlineImportHelper.hxx"
#include <xmloff/XMLFilterServiceNames.h>
#include <SwAppletImpl.hxx>
#include <ndole.hxx>
#include <docsh.hxx>
#include <sfx2/docfile.hxx>
#include <vcl/svapp.hxx>
#include <toolkit/helper/vclunohelper.hxx>
#include <svtools/embedhlp.hxx>
#include <svl/urihelper.hxx>
#include <sfx2/frmdescr.hxx>
#include <tools/globname.hxx>
#include <algorithm>
#include <utility>
using namespace ::com::sun::star;
using namespace ::com::sun::star::uno;
using namespace ::com::sun::star::lang;
using namespace ::com::sun::star::text;
using namespace ::com::sun::star::frame;
using namespace ::com::sun::star::beans;
using namespace xml::sax;
const std::pair<OUString, SvGUID> aServiceMap[] = {
static void lcl_putHeightAndWidth ( SfxItemSet &rItemSet,
        sal_Int32 nHeight, sal_Int32 nWidth,
        Size *pTwipSize = nullptr )
    if( nWidth > 0 && nHeight > 0 )
        nWidth = o3tl::toTwips(nWidth, o3tl::Length::mm100);
        if( nWidth < MINFLY )
            nWidth = MINFLY;
        nHeight = o3tl::toTwips(nHeight, o3tl::Length::mm100);
        if( nHeight < MINFLY )
            nHeight = MINFLY;
        rItemSet.Put( SwFormatFrameSize( SwFrameSize::Fixed, nWidth, nHeight ) );
    SwFormatAnchor aAnchor( RndStdIds::FLY_AT_CHAR );
    rItemSet.Put( aAnchor );
    if( pTwipSize )
        pTwipSize->setWidth( nWidth );
        pTwipSize->setHeight( nHeight);
static void lcl_setObjectVisualArea( const uno::Reference< embed::XEmbeddedObject >& xObj,
                                    sal_Int64 nAspect,
                                    const Size& aVisSize,
                                    const MapUnit& aUnit )
    if( !(xObj.is() && nAspect != embed::Aspects::MSOLE_ICON) )
    // convert the visual area to the objects units
    MapUnit aObjUnit = VCLUnoHelper::UnoEmbed2VCLMapUnit( xObj->getMapUnit( nAspect ) );
    Size aObjVisSize = OutputDevice::LogicToLogic(aVisSize, MapMode(aUnit), MapMode(aObjUnit));
    awt::Size aSz;
    aSz.Width = aObjVisSize.Width();
    aSz.Height = aObjVisSize.Height();
        xObj->setVisualAreaSize( nAspect, aSz );
    catch( uno::Exception& )
        OSL_FAIL( "Couldn't set visual area of the object!" );
        const uno::Reference < XModel>& rModel,
        SwXMLImport& rImport,
        const uno::Reference<XPropertySet> & rInfoSet,
        bool bInsertM, bool bStylesOnlyM,
        bool bBlockM, bool bOrganizerM ) :
    XMLTextImportHelper( rModel, rImport, bInsertM, bStylesOnlyM, true/*bProgress*/,
                         bBlockM, bOrganizerM ),
    m_pRedlineHelper( nullptr )
    uno::Reference<XPropertySet> xDocPropSet( rModel, UNO_QUERY );
    m_pRedlineHelper = new XMLRedlineImportHelper(rImport,
        bInsertM || bBlockM, xDocPropSet, rInfoSet );
    // the redline helper destructor sets properties on the document
    // and may throw an exception while doing so... catch this
        delete m_pRedlineHelper;
    catch ( const RuntimeException& )
        // ignore
SvXMLImportContext *SwXMLTextImportHelper::CreateTableChildContext(
                SvXMLImport& rImport,
                sal_Int32 /*nElement*/,
                const uno::Reference< XFastAttributeList > & xAttrList )
    return new SwXMLTableContext( static_cast<SwXMLImport&>(rImport), xAttrList );
bool SwXMLTextImportHelper::IsInHeaderFooter() const
    OTextCursorHelper* pTextCursor = dynamic_cast<OTextCursorHelper*>(const_cast<SwXMLTextImportHelper *>(this)->GetCursor().get());
    SAL_WARN_IF(!pTextCursor, "sw.uno", "SwXTextCursor missing");
    SwDoc *pDoc = pTextCursor ? pTextCursor->GetDoc() : nullptr;
    return pDoc && pDoc->IsInHeaderFooter( pTextCursor->GetPaM()->GetPoint()->GetNode() );
static SwOLENode *lcl_GetOLENode( const SwFrameFormat *pFrameFormat )
    SwOLENode *pOLENd = nullptr;
    if( pFrameFormat )
        const SwFormatContent& rContent = pFrameFormat->GetContent();
        const SwNodeIndex *pNdIdx = rContent.GetContentIdx();
        pOLENd = pNdIdx->GetNodes()[pNdIdx->GetIndex() + 1]->GetOLENode();
    OSL_ENSURE( pOLENd, "Where is the OLE node" );
    return pOLENd;
uno::Reference< XPropertySet > SwXMLTextImportHelper::createAndInsertOLEObject(
        SvXMLImport& rImport,
        const OUString& rHRef,
        const OUString& rStyleName,
        const OUString& rTableName,
        sal_Int32 nWidth, sal_Int32 nHeight )
    // this method will modify the document directly -> lock SolarMutex
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    uno::Reference < XPropertySet > xPropSet;
    sal_Int32 nPos = rHRef.indexOf( ':' );
    if( -1 == nPos )
        return xPropSet;
    OUString aObjName( rHRef.copy( nPos+1) );
    if( aObjName.isEmpty() )
        return xPropSet;
    OTextCursorHelper* pTextCursor = dynamic_cast<OTextCursorHelper*>(GetCursor().get());
    SAL_WARN_IF(!pTextCursor, "sw.uno", "SwXTextCursor missing");
    SwDoc *pDoc = static_cast<SwXMLImport&>(rImport).getDoc();
    SfxItemSetFixed<RES_FRMATR_BEGIN, RES_FRMATR_END> aItemSet( pDoc->GetAttrPool() );
    Size aTwipSize( 0, 0 );
    tools::Rectangle aVisArea( 0, 0, nWidth, nHeight );
    lcl_putHeightAndWidth( aItemSet, nHeight, nWidth,
                           &aTwipSize );
    SwFrameFormat *pFrameFormat = nullptr;
    SwOLENode *pOLENd = nullptr;
    if( rHRef.startsWith("vnd.sun.star.ServiceName:") )
        bool bInsert = false;
        SvGlobalName aClassName;
        for (const auto& [sFilterService, rCLASSID] : aServiceMap)
            if (aObjName == sFilterService)
                aClassName = SvGlobalName(rCLASSID);
                bInsert = true;
        if( bInsert )
            uno::Reference < embed::XStorage > xStorage = comphelper::OStorageHelper::GetTemporaryStorage();
                // create object with desired ClassId
                uno::Sequence < sal_Int8 > aClass( aClassName.GetByteSequence() );
                uno::Reference < embed::XEmbeddedObjectCreator > xFactory = embed::EmbeddedObjectCreator::create( ::comphelper::getProcessComponentContext() );
                uno::Sequence<beans::PropertyValue> aObjArgs( comphelper::InitPropertySequence({
                        { "DefaultParentBaseURL", Any(GetXMLImport().GetBaseURL()) }
                uno::Reference < embed::XEmbeddedObject > xObj( xFactory->createInstanceInitNew(
                    aClass, OUString(), xStorage, u"DummyName"_ustr, aObjArgs), uno::UNO_QUERY );
                if ( xObj.is() )
                    //TODO/LATER: is it enough to only set the VisAreaSize?
                    lcl_setObjectVisualArea( xObj, embed::Aspects::MSOLE_CONTENT, aTwipSize, MapUnit::MapTwip );
                if( pTextCursor )
                    pFrameFormat = pDoc->getIDocumentContentOperations().InsertEmbObject(
                        ::svt::EmbeddedObjectRef(xObj, embed::Aspects::MSOLE_CONTENT),
                    pOLENd = lcl_GetOLENode( pFrameFormat );
                if( pOLENd )
                    aObjName = pOLENd->GetOLEObj().GetCurrentPersistName();
            catch ( uno::Exception& )
        // check whether an object with this name already exists in the document
        OUString aName;
        SwIterator<SwContentNode,SwFormatColl> aIter( *pDoc->GetDfltGrfFormatColl() );
        for( SwContentNode* pNd = aIter.First(); pNd; pNd = aIter.Next() )
            SwOLENode* pExistingOLENd = pNd->GetOLENode();
            if( pExistingOLENd )
                OUString aExistingName = pExistingOLENd->GetOLEObj().GetCurrentPersistName();
                if ( aExistingName == aObjName )
                    OSL_FAIL( "The document contains duplicate object references, means it is partially broken, please let developers know how this document was generated!" );
                    OUString aTmpName = pDoc->GetPersist()->GetEmbeddedObjectContainer().CreateUniqueObjectName();
                        pDoc->GetPersist()->GetStorage()->copyElementTo( aObjName,
                                                                         aTmpName );
                        aName = aTmpName;
                    catch ( uno::Exception& )
                        OSL_FAIL( "Couldn't create a copy of the object!" );
        if ( aName.isEmpty() )
            aName = aObjName;
        // the correct aspect will be set later
        // TODO/LATER: Actually it should be set here
        if( pTextCursor )
            pFrameFormat = pDoc->getIDocumentContentOperations().InsertOLE( *pTextCursor->GetPaM(), aName, embed::Aspects::MSOLE_CONTENT, &aItemSet, nullptr );
            pOLENd = lcl_GetOLENode( pFrameFormat );
        aObjName = aName;
    if( !pFrameFormat )
        return xPropSet;
    if( IsInsertMode() )
        if( !pOLENd )
            pOLENd = lcl_GetOLENode( pFrameFormat );
        if( pOLENd )
            pOLENd->SetOLESizeInvalid( true );
    xPropSet = SwXTextEmbeddedObject::CreateXTextEmbeddedObject(
                *pDoc, pFrameFormat);
    if( pDoc->getIDocumentDrawModelAccess().GetDrawModel() )
        // req for z-order
    if( !rTableName.isEmpty() )
        const SwFormatContent& rContent = pFrameFormat->GetContent();
        const SwNodeIndex *pNdIdx = rContent.GetContentIdx();
        SwOLENode *pOLENode = pNdIdx->GetNodes()[pNdIdx->GetIndex() + 1]->GetOLENode();
        OSL_ENSURE( pOLENode, "Where is the OLE node" );
        OUStringBuffer aBuffer( rTableName.getLength() );
        bool bQuoted = false;
        bool bEscape = false;
        bool bError = false;
        for( sal_Int32 i=0; i < rTableName.getLength(); i++ )
            bool bEndOfNameFound = false;
            sal_Unicode c = rTableName[i];
            switch( c )
            case '\'':
                if( bEscape )
                    aBuffer.append( c );
                    bEscape = false;
                else if( bQuoted )
                    bEndOfNameFound = true;
                else if( 0 == i )
                    bQuoted = true;
                    bError = true;
            case '\\':
                if( bEscape )
                    aBuffer.append( c );
                    bEscape = false;
                    bEscape = true;
            case ' ':
            case '.':
                if( !bQuoted )
                    bEndOfNameFound = true;
                    aBuffer.append( c );
                    bEscape = false;
                    aBuffer.append( c );
                    bEscape = false;
            if( bError || bEndOfNameFound )
        if( !bError )
            OUString sTableName( aBuffer.makeStringAndClear() );
            pOLENode->SetChartTableName( GetRenameMap().Get( XML_TEXT_RENAME_TYPE_TABLE, sTableName ) );
    sal_Int64 nDrawAspect = 0;
    const XMLPropStyleContext *pStyle = nullptr;
    bool bHasSizeProps = false;
    if( !rStyleName.isEmpty() )
        pStyle = FindAutoFrameStyle( rStyleName );
        if( pStyle )
            rtl::Reference < SvXMLImportPropertyMapper > xImpPrMap =
            OSL_ENSURE( xImpPrMap.is(), "Where is the import prop mapper?" );
            if( xImpPrMap.is() )
                rtl::Reference<XMLPropertySetMapper> rPropMapper =
                sal_Int32 nCount = pStyle->GetProperties().size();
                for( sal_Int32 i=0; i < nCount; i++ )
                    const XMLPropertyState& rProp = pStyle->GetProperties()[i];
                    sal_Int32 nIdx = rProp.mnIndex;
                    if( -1 == nIdx )
                    switch( rPropMapper->GetEntryContextId(nIdx) )
                    case CTF_OLE_VIS_AREA_LEFT:
                            sal_Int32 nVal = 0;
                            rProp.maValue >>= nVal;
                            aVisArea.SetPosX( nVal );
                    case CTF_OLE_VIS_AREA_TOP:
                            sal_Int32 nVal = 0;
                            rProp.maValue >>= nVal;
                            aVisArea.SetPosY( nVal );
                    case CTF_OLE_VIS_AREA_WIDTH:
                            sal_Int32 nVal = 0;
                            rProp.maValue >>= nVal;
                            aVisArea.setWidth( nVal );
                            bHasSizeProps = true;
                    case CTF_OLE_VIS_AREA_HEIGHT:
                            sal_Int32 nVal = 0;
                            rProp.maValue >>= nVal;
                            aVisArea.setHeight( nVal );
                            bHasSizeProps = true;
                    case CTF_OLE_DRAW_ASPECT:
                            rProp.maValue >>= nDrawAspect;
                            if ( !nDrawAspect )
                                nDrawAspect = embed::Aspects::MSOLE_CONTENT;
                            if ( pOLENd )
                                pOLENd->GetOLEObj().GetObject().SetViewAspect( nDrawAspect );
    if ( bHasSizeProps )
        uno::Reference < embed::XEmbeddedObject > xObj =
                    pDoc->GetPersist()->GetEmbeddedObjectContainer().GetEmbeddedObject( aObjName );
        if( xObj.is() )
            lcl_setObjectVisualArea( xObj, ( nDrawAspect ? nDrawAspect : embed::Aspects::MSOLE_CONTENT ),
                                     aVisArea.GetSize(), MapUnit::Map100thMM );
    return xPropSet;
uno::Reference< XPropertySet > SwXMLTextImportHelper::createAndInsertOOoLink(
        SvXMLImport& rImport,
        const OUString& rHRef,
        const OUString& /*rStyleName*/,
        const OUString& /*rTableName*/,
        sal_Int32 nWidth, sal_Int32 nHeight )
    // this method will modify the document directly -> lock SolarMutex
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    uno::Reference < XPropertySet > xPropSet;
    OTextCursorHelper* pTextCursor = dynamic_cast<OTextCursorHelper*>(GetCursor().get());
    assert( pTextCursor && "SwXTextCursor missing" );
    SwDoc *pDoc = static_cast<SwXMLImport&>(rImport).getDoc();
    SfxItemSetFixed<RES_FRMATR_BEGIN, RES_FRMATR_END> aItemSet( pDoc->GetAttrPool() );
    Size aTwipSize( 0, 0 );
    lcl_putHeightAndWidth( aItemSet, nHeight, nWidth,
                           &aTwipSize );
    // We'll need a (valid) URL. If we don't have do not insert the link and return early.
    // Copy URL into URL object on the way.
    INetURLObject aURLObj;
    bool bValidURL = !rHRef.isEmpty() &&
                     aURLObj.SetURL( URIHelper::SmartRel2Abs(
                                INetURLObject( GetXMLImport().GetBaseURL() ), rHRef ) );
    if( !bValidURL )
        return xPropSet;
    uno::Reference < embed::XStorage > xStorage = comphelper::OStorageHelper::GetTemporaryStorage();
        // create object with desired ClassId
        uno::Reference < embed::XEmbeddedObjectCreator > xFactory =
        uno::Sequence< beans::PropertyValue > aMediaDescriptor{ comphelper::makePropertyValue(
            u"URL"_ustr, aURLObj.GetMainURL( INetURLObject::DecodeMechanism::NONE )) };
        SwDocShell* pShell = pDoc->GetDocShell();
        if (SfxMedium* pMedium = pShell ? pShell->GetMedium() : nullptr)
            uno::Reference< task::XInteractionHandler > xInteraction = pMedium->GetInteractionHandler();
            if ( xInteraction.is() )
                aMediaDescriptor.realloc( 2 );
                auto pMediaDescriptor = aMediaDescriptor.getArray();
                pMediaDescriptor[1].Name = "InteractionHandler";
                pMediaDescriptor[1].Value <<= xInteraction;
            const auto nLen = aMediaDescriptor.getLength() + 1;
            auto pMediaDescriptor = aMediaDescriptor.getArray();
            pMediaDescriptor[nLen - 1].Name = "Referer";
            pMediaDescriptor[nLen - 1].Value <<= pMedium->GetName();
        uno::Reference < embed::XEmbeddedObject > xObj(
                xStorage, u"DummyName"_ustr, aMediaDescriptor, uno::Sequence< beans::PropertyValue >() ),
            uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW );
            SwFrameFormat *const pFrameFormat =
                    ::svt::EmbeddedObjectRef(xObj, embed::Aspects::MSOLE_CONTENT),
                    &aItemSet );
            // TODO/LATER: in future may need a way to set replacement image url to the link ( may be even to the object ), needs oasis cws???
            xPropSet = SwXTextEmbeddedObject::CreateXTextEmbeddedObject(
                            *pDoc, pFrameFormat);
            if( pDoc->getIDocumentDrawModelAccess().GetDrawModel() )
                        static_cast<SwFlyFrameFormat*>(pFrameFormat)); // req for z-order
    catch ( uno::Exception& )
    // TODO/LATER: should the rStyleName and rTableName be handled as for usual embedded object?
    return xPropSet;
uno::Reference< XPropertySet > SwXMLTextImportHelper::createAndInsertApplet(
        const OUString &rName,
        const OUString &rCode,
        bool bMayScript,
        const OUString& rHRef,
        sal_Int32 nWidth, sal_Int32 nHeight )
    // this method will modify the document directly -> lock SolarMutex
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    uno::Reference < XPropertySet > xPropSet;
    OTextCursorHelper* pTextCursor = dynamic_cast<OTextCursorHelper*>(GetCursor().get());
    assert( pTextCursor && "SwXTextCursor missing" );
    SwDoc *pDoc = pTextCursor->GetDoc();
    SfxItemSetFixed<RES_FRMATR_BEGIN, RES_FRMATR_END> aItemSet( pDoc->GetAttrPool() );
    lcl_putHeightAndWidth( aItemSet, nHeight, nWidth);
    SwApplet_Impl aAppletImpl ( std::move(aItemSet) );
    OUString sCodeBase;
    if( !rHRef.isEmpty() )
        sCodeBase = GetXMLImport().GetAbsoluteReference( rHRef );
    aAppletImpl.CreateApplet ( rCode, rName, bMayScript, sCodeBase, GetXMLImport().GetDocumentBase() );
    // set the size of the applet
    lcl_setObjectVisualArea( aAppletImpl.GetApplet(),
                            Size( nWidth, nHeight ),
                            MapUnit::Map100thMM );
    SwFrameFormat *const pFrameFormat =
        pDoc->getIDocumentContentOperations().InsertEmbObject( *pTextCursor->GetPaM(),
        ::svt::EmbeddedObjectRef(aAppletImpl.GetApplet(), embed::Aspects::MSOLE_CONTENT),
    xPropSet = SwXTextEmbeddedObject::CreateXTextEmbeddedObject(
                *pDoc, pFrameFormat);
    if( pDoc->getIDocumentDrawModelAccess().GetDrawModel() )
        // req for z-order
    return xPropSet;
uno::Reference< XPropertySet > SwXMLTextImportHelper::createAndInsertPlugin(
        const OUString &rMimeType,
        const OUString& rHRef,
        sal_Int32 nWidth, sal_Int32 nHeight )
    uno::Reference < XPropertySet > xPropSet;
    OTextCursorHelper* pTextCursor = dynamic_cast<OTextCursorHelper*>(GetCursor().get());
    assert( pTextCursor && "SwXTextCursor missing" );
    SwDoc *pDoc = pTextCursor->GetDoc();
    SfxItemSetFixed<RES_FRMATR_BEGIN, RES_FRMATR_END> aItemSet( pDoc->GetAttrPool() );
    lcl_putHeightAndWidth( aItemSet, nHeight, nWidth);
    // We'll need a (valid) URL, or we need a MIME type. If we don't have
    // either, do not insert plugin and return early. Copy URL into URL object
    // on the way.
    INetURLObject aURLObj;
    bool bValidURL = !rHRef.isEmpty() &&
                     aURLObj.SetURL( URIHelper::SmartRel2Abs( INetURLObject( GetXMLImport().GetBaseURL() ), rHRef ) );
    bool bValidMimeType = !rMimeType.isEmpty();
    if( !bValidURL && !bValidMimeType )
        return xPropSet;
    uno::Reference < embed::XStorage > xStorage = comphelper::OStorageHelper::GetTemporaryStorage();
        // create object with desired ClassId
        uno::Sequence < sal_Int8 > aClass( SvGlobalName( SO3_PLUGIN_CLASSID ).GetByteSequence() );
        uno::Reference < embed::XEmbeddedObjectCreator > xFactory =  embed::EmbeddedObjectCreator::create( ::comphelper::getProcessComponentContext() );
        uno::Reference < embed::XEmbeddedObject > xObj( xFactory->createInstanceInitNew(
            aClass, OUString(), xStorage, u"DummyName"_ustr,
            uno::Sequence < beans::PropertyValue >() ), uno::UNO_QUERY );
        // set size to the object
        lcl_setObjectVisualArea( xObj,
                                Size( nWidth, nHeight ),
                                MapUnit::Map100thMM );
        if ( svt::EmbeddedObjectRef::TryRunningState( xObj ) )
            uno::Reference < beans::XPropertySet > xSet( xObj->getComponent(), uno::UNO_QUERY );
            if ( xSet.is() )
                if( bValidURL )
                        Any( aURLObj.GetMainURL( INetURLObject::DecodeMechanism::NONE ) ) );
                if( bValidMimeType )
                        Any( rMimeType ) );
            SwFrameFormat *const pFrameFormat =
                    ::svt::EmbeddedObjectRef(xObj, embed::Aspects::MSOLE_CONTENT),
            xPropSet = SwXTextEmbeddedObject::CreateXTextEmbeddedObject(
                            *pDoc, pFrameFormat);
            if( pDoc->getIDocumentDrawModelAccess().GetDrawModel() )
                        static_cast<SwFlyFrameFormat*>(pFrameFormat)); // req for z-order
    catch ( uno::Exception& )
    return xPropSet;
uno::Reference< XPropertySet > SwXMLTextImportHelper::createAndInsertFloatingFrame(
        const OUString& rName,
        const OUString& rHRef,
        const OUString& rStyleName,
        sal_Int32 nWidth, sal_Int32 nHeight )
    // this method will modify the document directly -> lock SolarMutex
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    uno::Reference < XPropertySet > xPropSet;
    OTextCursorHelper* pTextCursor = dynamic_cast<OTextCursorHelper*>(GetCursor().get());
    assert( pTextCursor && "SwXTextCursor missing" );
    SwDoc *pDoc = pTextCursor->GetDoc();
    SfxItemSetFixed<RES_FRMATR_BEGIN, RES_FRMATR_END> aItemSet( pDoc->GetAttrPool() );
    lcl_putHeightAndWidth( aItemSet, nHeight, nWidth);
    ScrollingMode eScrollMode = ScrollingMode::Auto;
    bool bHasBorder = false;
    bool bIsBorderSet = false;
    Size aMargin( SIZE_NOT_SET, SIZE_NOT_SET );
    const XMLPropStyleContext *pStyle = nullptr;
    if( !rStyleName.isEmpty() )
        pStyle = FindAutoFrameStyle( rStyleName );
        if( pStyle )
            rtl::Reference < SvXMLImportPropertyMapper > xImpPrMap =
            OSL_ENSURE( xImpPrMap.is(), "Where is the import prop mapper?" );
            if( xImpPrMap.is() )
                rtl::Reference<XMLPropertySetMapper> rPropMapper =
                sal_Int32 nCount = pStyle->GetProperties().size();
                for( sal_Int32 i=0; i < nCount; i++ )
                    const XMLPropertyState& rProp = pStyle->GetProperties()[i];
                    sal_Int32 nIdx = rProp.mnIndex;
                    if( -1 == nIdx )
                    switch( rPropMapper->GetEntryContextId(nIdx) )
                    case CTF_FRAME_DISPLAY_SCROLLBAR:
                            bool bYes = *o3tl::doAccess<bool>(rProp.maValue);
                            eScrollMode = bYes ? ScrollingMode::Yes : ScrollingMode::No;
                    case CTF_FRAME_DISPLAY_BORDER:
                            bHasBorder = *o3tl::doAccess<bool>(rProp.maValue);
                            bIsBorderSet = true;
                    case CTF_FRAME_MARGIN_HORI:
                            sal_Int32 nVal = SIZE_NOT_SET;
                            rProp.maValue >>= nVal;
                            aMargin.setWidth( nVal );
                    case CTF_FRAME_MARGIN_VERT:
                            sal_Int32 nVal = SIZE_NOT_SET;
                            rProp.maValue >>= nVal;
                            aMargin.setHeight( nVal );
    uno::Reference < embed::XStorage > xStorage = comphelper::OStorageHelper::GetTemporaryStorage();
        // create object with desired ClassId
        uno::Sequence < sal_Int8 > aClass( SvGlobalName( SO3_IFRAME_CLASSID ).GetByteSequence() );
        uno::Reference < embed::XEmbeddedObjectCreator > xFactory = embed::EmbeddedObjectCreator::create( ::comphelper::getProcessComponentContext() );
        uno::Reference < embed::XEmbeddedObject > xObj( xFactory->createInstanceInitNew(
            aClass, OUString(), xStorage, u"DummyName"_ustr,
            uno::Sequence < beans::PropertyValue >() ), uno::UNO_QUERY );
        // set size to the object
        lcl_setObjectVisualArea( xObj,
                                Size( nWidth, nHeight ),
                                MapUnit::Map100thMM );
        if ( svt::EmbeddedObjectRef::TryRunningState( xObj ) )
            uno::Reference < beans::XPropertySet > xSet( xObj->getComponent(), uno::UNO_QUERY );
            if ( xSet.is() )
                OUString sHRef = URIHelper::SmartRel2Abs(
                            INetURLObject( GetXMLImport().GetBaseURL() ), rHRef );
                if (INetURLObject(sHRef).IsExoticProtocol())
                    Any( sHRef ) );
                    Any( rName ) );
                if ( eScrollMode == ScrollingMode::Auto )
                        Any( true ) );
                        Any( eScrollMode == ScrollingMode::Yes ) );
                if ( bIsBorderSet )
                        Any( bHasBorder ) );
                        Any( true ) );
                    Any( sal_Int32( aMargin.Width() ) ) );
                    Any( sal_Int32( aMargin.Height() ) ) );
            SwFrameFormat *const pFrameFormat =
                    ::svt::EmbeddedObjectRef(xObj, embed::Aspects::MSOLE_CONTENT),
            xPropSet = SwXTextEmbeddedObject::CreateXTextEmbeddedObject(
                            *pDoc, pFrameFormat);
            if( pDoc->getIDocumentDrawModelAccess().GetDrawModel() )
                // req for z-order
    catch ( uno::Exception& )
    return xPropSet;
void SwXMLTextImportHelper::endAppletOrPlugin(
        const uno::Reference < XPropertySet > &rPropSet,
        std::map < const OUString, OUString > &rParamMap)
    // this method will modify the document directly -> lock SolarMutex
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    SwXFrame* pFrame = dynamic_cast<SwXFrame*>(rPropSet.get());
    assert(pFrame && "SwXFrame missing");
    SwFrameFormat *pFrameFormat = pFrame->GetFrameFormat();
    const SwFormatContent& rContent = pFrameFormat->GetContent();
    const SwNodeIndex *pNdIdx = rContent.GetContentIdx();
    SwOLENode *pOLENd = pNdIdx->GetNodes()[pNdIdx->GetIndex() + 1]->GetNoTextNode()->GetOLENode();
    SwOLEObj& rOLEObj = pOLENd->GetOLEObj();
    uno::Reference < embed::XEmbeddedObject > xEmbObj( rOLEObj.GetOleRef() );
    if ( !svt::EmbeddedObjectRef::TryRunningState( xEmbObj ) )
    uno::Reference < beans::XPropertySet > xSet( xEmbObj->getComponent(), uno::UNO_QUERY );
    if ( !xSet.is() )
    const sal_Int32 nCount = rParamMap.size();
    uno::Sequence< beans::PropertyValue > aCommandSequence( nCount );
    std::transform(rParamMap.begin(), rParamMap.end(), aCommandSequence.getArray(),
                   [](const auto& rParam)
                       return beans::PropertyValue(/* Name   */ rParam.first,
                                                   /* Handle */ -1,
                                                   /* Value  */ uno::Any(rParam.second),
                                                   /* State  */ beans::PropertyState_DIRECT_VALUE);
    // unfortunately the names of the properties are depending on the object
    OUString aParaName(u"AppletCommands"_ustr);
        xSet->setPropertyValue( aParaName, Any( aCommandSequence ) );
    catch ( uno::Exception& )
        aParaName = "PluginCommands";
            xSet->setPropertyValue( aParaName, Any( aCommandSequence ) );
        catch ( uno::Exception& )
// redlining helper methods
// (override to provide the real implementation)
void SwXMLTextImportHelper::RedlineAdd(
    const OUString& rType,
    const OUString& rId,
    const OUString& rAuthor,
    const OUString& rComment,
    const util::DateTime& rDateTime,
    const OUString& rMovedID,
    bool bMergeLastPara)
    // create redline helper on demand
    OSL_ENSURE(nullptr != m_pRedlineHelper, "helper should have been created in constructor");
    if (nullptr != m_pRedlineHelper)
        m_pRedlineHelper->Add(rType, rId, rAuthor, rComment, rDateTime, rMovedID,
uno::Reference<XTextCursor> SwXMLTextImportHelper::RedlineCreateText(
    uno::Reference<XTextCursor> & rOldCursor,
    const OUString& rId)
    uno::Reference<XTextCursor> xRet;
    if (nullptr != m_pRedlineHelper)
        xRet = m_pRedlineHelper->CreateRedlineTextSection(rOldCursor, rId);
    return xRet;
void SwXMLTextImportHelper::RedlineSetCursor(
    const OUString& rId,
    bool bStart,
    bool bIsOutsideOfParagraph)
    if (nullptr != m_pRedlineHelper) {
        uno::Reference<XTextRange> xTextRange( GetCursor()->getStart() );
        m_pRedlineHelper->SetCursor(rId, bStart, xTextRange,
    // else: ignore redline (wasn't added before, else we'd have a helper)
void SwXMLTextImportHelper::RedlineAdjustStartNodeCursor()
    OUString rId = GetOpenRedlineId();
    if ((nullptr != m_pRedlineHelper) && !rId.isEmpty())
    // else: ignore redline (wasn't added before, or no open redline ID
void SwXMLTextImportHelper::SetShowChanges( bool bShowChanges )
    if ( nullptr != m_pRedlineHelper )
        m_pRedlineHelper->SetShowChanges( bShowChanges );
void SwXMLTextImportHelper::SetRecordChanges( bool bRecordChanges )
    if ( nullptr != m_pRedlineHelper )
        m_pRedlineHelper->SetRecordChanges( bRecordChanges );
void SwXMLTextImportHelper::SetChangesProtectionKey(
    const Sequence<sal_Int8> & rKey )
    if ( nullptr != m_pRedlineHelper )
        m_pRedlineHelper->SetProtectionKey( rKey );
/* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */

V530 The return value of function 'append' is required to be utilized.

V530 The return value of function 'append' is required to be utilized.

V530 The return value of function 'append' is required to be utilized.

V530 The return value of function 'append' is required to be utilized.

V522 There might be dereferencing of a potential null pointer 'pTextCursor'.

V522 There might be dereferencing of a potential null pointer 'pTextCursor'.

V522 There might be dereferencing of a potential null pointer 'pTextCursor'.

V522 There might be dereferencing of a potential null pointer 'pTextCursor'.

V522 There might be dereferencing of a potential null pointer 'pTextCursor'.

V522 There might be dereferencing of a potential null pointer 'pFrame'.